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ChL - Bio-Hacking Tip 73 : Water-Water Everywhere- 5 Day Water Fast Adventure Aug 23, 2024

 Hey everyone, it’s Andy from Chronically Healthy Life! We’re wrapping up our Inflammo-Geddon Bio-hacking series, and today’s star is the 5-day water fast—aka "The...

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Chronically Healthy Life: The Magic of Compassion S2 Ep42 Jun 28, 2024

  On this episode of "Chronically Healthy Life," we're diving into the world of vegetarian and vegan diets. Are they the golden ticket to health, or could they be your digestive downfall?


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Chronically Healthy Life: The Four Pillars of Health S2 Ep37 May 24, 2024

**On this episode of The Chronically Healthy Life Podcast!** Ever wondered what separates those with normal health from the superheroes of exceptional health?

Well, buckle up buttercup, because...

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Chronically Healthy Life - Bio-Hacking Tip 22: "Cheers to Chill: The Ultimate Healthy Nightcap Hack!" Jul 16, 2023

"Struggling to unwind after a hectic day?

Don't worry, you're not alone! Join us on our Bio-hacking episode 22 where Minna Wong spills the beans on the ultimate Healthy Nightcap solution!


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Mind Body Connection 2 - What Self-fullfilling Prophecy are You Creating for Yourself Apr 08, 2022
On today's 2nd episode on The Mind Body Connection Series, special guest Crystal Hinton, Thetahealer and RN shares with us how negative and positive thoughts affect our lives and our...
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Defining your New Normal 19 - Invisible Boundaries Jan 03, 2022

Hi. I am Minna and welcome to our blog on designing your new life. It is becoming clear that the old normal is never coming back and the new normal is becoming a reality. The good news is that...

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Defining your New Normal 18 - A Hero's Journey Dec 30, 2021

Hi. I am Minna and welcome to our blog on designing your new life. It is becoming clear that the old normal is never coming back and the new normal is becoming a reality. The good news is that...

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Defining your New Normal 17 - Life lessons this Year Dec 28, 2021

Hi. I’m Minna, co-founders of Foco Academy, functional health and wellness coaches. As the world starts to wake up to the new normal, a lot has changed so we are also tweaking the focus of...

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Defining your New Normal 16 - Chasing Shiny Objects Dec 24, 2021

Hi. I’m Minna, co-founders of Foco Academy, functional health and wellness coaches. As the world starts to wake up to the new normal, a lot has changed so we are also tweaking the focus of...

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Defining your New Normal 15 - Are you living in a Deathtrap Dec 22, 2021

Hi. I’m Minna, co-founders of Foco Academy, functional health and wellness coaches. As the world starts to wake up to the new normal, a lot has changed so we are also tweaking the focus of...

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DYNN 14 - Are you Experiencing Cloudiness Dec 13, 2021

 Hi. I’m Minna, co-founders of Foco Academy, functional health and wellness coaches. As the world starts to wake up to the new normal, a lot has changed so we are also tweaking the focus...

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DYNN 13 - Climbing Mount Fuji Dec 08, 2021

Hi. I’m Minna, co-founders of Foco Academy, functional health and wellness coaches. As the world starts to wake up to the new normal, a lot has changed so we are also tweaking the focus of...

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