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CHL - Bio-Hacking Tip 66: Inflammo-geddon 2 High Blood Sugar Alert! Jun 28, 2024

Hey Biohackers! Ready to tackle chronic inflammation?

This week, we're diving into the sugar swamp that is high blood sugar! ‍



Did you know our amazing human bodies can...

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CHL Biohacking tip 64 - Lemongrass Mint Oxymel: The Coolest Thing Since Ice Cubes! Jun 15, 2024


This week on #Biohacking, Minna is here to level up your summer drinks!

Introducing our latest obsession: Lemongrass Mint Oxymel!

Not only does it taste like a breeze on a hot day, but...

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CHL: Biohacking tip 62 - Pomegranates: Nature's Sweet Superfood and DIY Juice Hack! May 25, 2024

 Hey biohackers! It's Andy with this week's tip: the mighty pomegranate! These red gems are nature's glitter bomb, bursting with juicy, ruby-red seeds that are packed with antioxidants and...

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Chronically Healthy Life: The Four Pillars of Health S2 Ep37 May 24, 2024

**On this episode of The Chronically Healthy Life Podcast!** Ever wondered what separates those with normal health from the superheroes of exceptional health?

Well, buckle up buttercup, because...

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Bio-Hacking Tip 59:From YOLO to YOLP: Your Old Lame Pains Revealed! May 03, 2024

Ever reminisced about those wild days when you bounced back from injuries like a rubber band? Well, fast forward a few decades and those old battle scars might just be coming back to haunt you!


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Bio-Hacking Tip 54-"πŸ‘οΈβœ¨ Lost Your Sparkle? Get Ready to Reboot Your Peepers with Bio-Hacks! πŸš€" Mar 22, 2024

Hey there, fellow sparkle enthusiast!

Are you finding your eyes losing their dazzle thanks to our modern digital age? Fear not, because we've got just the solution to bring back that twinkle!


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Bio-Hacking Tip 50-"Get Amped Up with Electrolyte" Feb 09, 2024

" Zap! Bang! Pow!

Are you ready to get electrified?

Join us for Episode 50 of the Chronically Healthy Life show, where Minna is about to unleash a bolt of enlightenment that'll leave you buzzing...

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Bio-Hacking Tip 49-"Vitamin D Drama: The Chronicles of Sunshine in a Bottle!" Jan 26, 2024

"Hey there, health aficionados!

Ever wondered about the welfare of your beloved Vitamin D squad? Well, buckle up your supplement belts because on the wild ride known as the Chronically...

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Bio-Hacking Tip 47: "From Couch Potato to Powerhouse: Unveiling the Secret Schemes of Mr. Chair!" Jan 12, 2024

Calling all honorary members of the Couch Potato Club! If your derrière feels more like part of the furniture than a separate entity, it might be time to rethink your cozy lifestyle.


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Chronically Healthy Life - Bio-Hacking Tip 45- "Unveiling Elderberry Elixir: The Superhero Serum for Your Immune System! πŸ’₯πŸ‡βœ¨ Dec 29, 2023

Ah, elderberries: the tiny superheroes of the fruit world, boosting your immune system like it's their day job!

But here's the catch: they're like the divas of the fruit bowl – they refuse to...

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